Between Master and Disciples

From the Sacred Manifestos of the Rosicrucian Order:Tabula Smaragdina Hermetis
[Part 1~3]Spiritual Practice is Scientific
A Gift of Love: Simple &Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai
[Part 1~2] Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Spreading the Vegetarian Solution
From the Essene Gospel of Peace: Book Two, The Unknown Books of the Essenes: The Sevenfold Peace
From the Holy Kitab-I-Aqdas of the Baha'I Faith:Paragraphs 39-64
[Part 1~2] Life-giving Spring Sun and Rain
A Gift of Love: Simple & Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai
From the Sacred Text of the Universal White Brotherhood: Blossoming of the Human Soul
[Part 1~2] Why Doesn't the Buddha Save Beings in Hell?
From the Holy Text of Tibetan Buddhism: Sixty Songs of Milarepa - Songs 10, 16-20 & 33
Sincerity and Purity of Heart
The Love of Gift:Simple & Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai
From Sikhism Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib: Guru Nanak, Pages 220-224
[Part 1~2] From the Philosophy of Socrates: Meno by Plato
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