Swine Flu Infects Millions   

"The Committee recognized that the H1N1 pandemic is unstoppable"
- Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny - World Health Organization

According to the World Health Organization,the 2009 swine flu pandemic is the fastest ever spreading pandemic in history,with millions today likely to be infected.

It developed in pigs, mutated,and now it propagates among humans.

Swine flu is far more prevalent in areas with intensive pig production.

Canadian agencies have seen a 99 percent correlation between the number of pig factory farms and the total number of Human swine flu cases, per province.

Dr. Michael Greger, M.D. Direct of Public health and  Animal Agriculture;Humane Society of the U.S. VEGAN: "When we cram tens of thousands of animals into these cramped filthy football field size sheds to lie snout to snout atop their own waste,it's just a breeding ground for disease."

The rate of hospitalization and fatality is also higher.

In the Province of Manitoba, where there are 2.4 times as many pigs as humans, residents are 3 times likely to be hospitalized and 3.7 times as likely to die from the swine flu than the Canadian average.

Resident La Gloria, Mexico (town where swine flu originated):
The [pig] farms affect us a lot. My brother got sick and where taken to the hospital.
They told us it was a virus from the farms.

Pig and other animal factory farms also create antibiotic resistant bacteria.
In the US,Where 70% of all antibiotics are fed to farm animals, bacterial infections claim 18,000 human lives each year, which is more than all the AIDS fatalities in the country.


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