이달의 특별 축하 (2010년3월)   

We thank the following and those unknown persons, groups, agencies, organizations and governments for their loving and selfless actions that bring meaningful comfort and assistance to others.

May your lives be graced by the Divine with evermore joy and fulfilling reward.

RECIPIENT Descript-xion
The United States House of Representatives The United States House of Representatives voted on Sunday, March 21 to approve a sweeping measure that represents the biggest expansion of the nation’s health care in more than four decades.
Magnetic Air Cars, Inc. US-based Magnetic Air Cars, Inc. uses air compression technology to produce a zero emissions vehicle with potentially unlimited driving rang
Researchers at the Spanish National Research Council Institute of Acoustics and the Agri-Food Research and Technology Center The Spanish National Research Council Institute of Acoustics and the Agri-Food Research and Technology Center researchers use ultrasound to determine that plants communicate via their leaves at frequencies higher than audible sound. 
Young boy Finlay and duckling Ming Ming, the UK Young boy Finlay and duckling Ming Ming of the UK both overcome early life challenges and are now able to walk.
British Labrador Treo British Labrador Treo is awarded the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross in recognition of his lifesaving detection of dangerous explosives while on duty.

Stevie Wonder

Singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder is bestowed the Commander of Arts and Letters, France’s top cultural award.

Colonel Shafiqa Quraishi, Afghanistan

Afghan policewoman Colonel Shafiqa Quraishi receives the 2010 International Women of Courage Award in Washington, DC, USA for her exemplary determination and leadership. 

Naseem Hameed, Pakistan

Pakistan's female sprinter Naseem Hameed becomes the fastest women in south Asia as she completes the 100-meter track event in just 11.81 seconds at the South Asian Federation Games in Bangladesh.

Thai Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Suwit Khunkitti

Thai Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Suwit Khunkitti is honored with the J. Paul Getty Award for Conservation Leadership for his work in eliminating illegal wildlife trade and creating corridors as well as sanctuaries for their passage.

Tippi Hedren, USA

American actress and vegetarian Tippi Hedren is honored by the Humane Society of the United States’ Genesis Awards for her years of dedicated rescue and protection of animals.


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