
HOST: Greetings change-embracing viewers, and welcome to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television. March 20 is the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and also marks the 25th anniversary of Meatout Day, one of the world’s largest annual grassroots information campaigns regarding the plant-based diet.

In honor of this upcoming special occasion, today we feature excerpts of interviews with experts and people from all backgrounds regarding the wholesome, green and compassionate vegan diet.

The first Meatout Day was organized in 1985 by the Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM), a US-based non-profit group promoting the vegan diet to save animals, protect the environment, and improve health.
The day’s popularity has grown exponentially over the past 25 years.

Participant (F):  Currently I am not a vegetarian. However, since I’ve visited here, it’s just been so enlightening. It’s made me want to now increase my knowledge of it as well as to even change my diet to live a healthier lifestyle.

Vegan participant – California, USA (M): It’s a simple formula and I’m surprised myself how easy it works. Its worked miracles in my life. I could not ever,in many lifetimes have shown enough kindness than what just eating one vegetarian meal has shown me.

HOST: In the US, governors of the states of Connecticut, Indiana, and New Hampshire and the mayors of the cities of Baltimore, El Paso, Memphis, Honolulu, and Houston all issued official proclamations supporting Meatout Day 2009.

Christen (F): “Whereas a wholesome plant-based diet of whole grains, vegetables and fresh fruits reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and other chronic and infectious diseases that cripple and kill nearly 1.3 million Americans annually; and whereas a diet that helps enormously in reducing the emissions
 of greenhouse gases that produce global warming; and whereas such diet helps prevent the suffering and death of more than10 billion sentient animals in the United States each year, the City of Houston salutes those committed to this challenging and worthwhile campaign, and extends best wishes to all for the successful and rewarding event.

Therefore I, Bill White, Mayor of the City of Houston hereby proclaim March 20, 2009 as Great American Meatout Day.”

For more details on Meatout Day 2010, please visit

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