Animal World

A Voice for Animals:DefensAnimal.Org (In Spanish)
Protecting the Endangered Orangutans of Indonesia (In Indonesian)
Dr. Eisenhart von Loeper - An Advocate for the Animals (In German)
Caring for Animal Companions:Vegan Cooking for Canine Pals
Edgar's Mission:A Refuge for Farm Animals in Australia
In Tune with Dolphins:An Interview with Chilean Dolphin Therapist,Agustin Gonzalez (In Chile)
South Africa's Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre P1/2
Protecting the Endangered Rhinos of Indonesia (In Indonesian)
Visiting a Shangri-La for Animals: Noah's Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary
Interview with Michael Bascombe, Holistic Veterinarian & Animal Telepathic Communicator
Stop Animal Cruelty Whaling The Gruesome Extermination of our Ocean Gentle Giants
Caring for Animal Companions:Vegan Recipes
Animal Friends Celebrating the Year of the Ox
An Interview with Austria's Dr. Helmut F. Kaplan: Leading Voice for Animal Rights
Stop Animal Cruelty The Killing of Kangaroos, Australia's Icon
International Sites