Words of Wisdom

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai:Premiere of "The Birds in My Life" - German Edition
The Light of Love in a New Era: A Compilation of Lectures by Supreme Master Ching Hai
By All Means, Be a Vegetarian
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai: Premiere of "The Birds in My Life" - Aulacese Edition
The Mercy of God
Teach Oneself to Become A Buddha
Together We Can Choose a Bright Destiny
"Stop Global Warming: Act Now" Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
Parliament of the World's Religions
Mistakes Happen Under Pressing Circumstances
Animals are Angels & Protectors of Humans
How Did the War Start
The Human Body is Very Precious
The True Meaning of Ahimsa
Retrieve the Language of God
International Sites